7.5 GET MeadMessage
7.5.1 Purpose
This command can be used by a Release Distributor to request a MeadMessage
. The web service address for this call is the URL for the specific instance of the requested MeadMessage
The Release Distributor would typically have received this URL from an entry
composite in an Atom feed
7.5.2 Syntax of Reply
The web server shall return one of the following standard HTTP status codes with their standard HTTP response code semantics:
200 (OK);
301 (Moved permanently);
400 (Bad request);
401 (Unauthorised);
404 (Not found);
500 (Internal server error); and
503 (Service unavailable due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server).
Other standard HTTP status codes may be used on bilateral agreement between the Metadata Provider and the Release Distributor.
If the status code is 200, the web server shall also return to the calling web service client an XML file containing a valid MeadMessage
as defined in Clause 8.
If the status code is 301, the web server shall also return to the calling web service client the correct URL.