8.1 Atom Feed

8.1.1 Introduction

The Atom feeds shall have follow the syntax as defined in the relevant XML Schema Definition file.

The following Atom feed entry elements have these meanings:

Atom Feed entry Element

NewReleaseMessage Element


The title tag shall contain three pieces of information separated by a semicolon and a space character:

  • DPID of the message sender (without dashes);

  • Subscription ID; and

  • Date when the entry was added to the feed queue (in the ISO format yyyy-mm-dd).


The identifier for the subscription as provided, by the Metadata Provider to the Release Distributor during the subscription process


Information about the main entity for which information is provided. Only one of these elements can be provided in on //entry.




Entries should be entered into the feed sequentially, that is the oldest entry should be at the top and the latest addition should be at the bottom. A Metadata Provider may, however, add and remove entries at its own discretion.

The number of entry composites in the Atom feed is not prescribed by this standard. The Metadata Provider publishing the web service may, however, want to set a maximum number in collaboration with its business partner(s).

The following link types can be communicated in the //feed/link/@rel attributes:

  • self – to provide the URL of the feed itself;

  • next – to provide the URL to the next feed "page" (in the case where there is more than one feed page available to the Release Distributor); and

  • previous – to provide the URL to the previous feed "page" (in the case where there is more than one feed page available to the Release Distributor).

The following link types can be communicated in the //feed/entry/link/@rel attributes:

  • alternate – to provide the URL for the GET MeadMessage method defined in Clause 7.5; and

  • delete – to provide the URL for the DELETE MeadMessage method defined in Clause 7.6.